Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Graduation for my Best Friend!

Saturday, 17th September, 2011. The day where my very best friend, Trisy Dwi Lestari had officially graduated from her Diploma study at Universitas Indonesia. And here are some photos taken! All the little gifts, the ear-to-ear smilings, the boyfriends, friends, the atmosphere of happiness, are gathered on the special day of my supersweet friend :')

 the Graduate Girl :)

 Left to right: Nacil, Anggun, Retha, and Me. We were there special for our special friends :) WE WILL GRADUATE SOON!

 Gift from Bandung

 Trisy with Ryan Adit, the boyfriend. Sorry for the irritating calls dit xixixi 

Steal her style! This is a smart way of wearing formal dress for a graduation ceremony. Yes! Being informal in her perfect way :)


1 comment:

Mas Hery said...

eh wisudaan...SELAMAT YAAA...moga setelahnya perjalanan hidupnya diperlancar...AMIN!