Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Bougenville-Tales :)

"Makan mie goreng aja deh, udah akhir bulan nih" atau "Assseeekkk, ada yang ulangtahun nih! Lumayan deh ga keluarin duit buat makan!"
Well, for you guys living in a "home" called KOSAN, those sayings are really common things! We're here surviving in each month from the pocket money our parents give. But that's the art of Nge-kos and i can assure you when everyone of us growing old followed by succeed and prosperity (amin) those memories won't be erased.....
Aiiih, cengeng banget deh yaaa. Kalo gitu langsung aja gw kenalin Kosan Hebat gw yang located on Jl. Adyaksa Barat no. 9 Sukapura, Dayeuh Kolot, Bandung. This cool kosan named "Bougenville" i don't know why Bogel, the owner, put that name. Because Boygenville is the name of my previous home in Jakarta hahaha sounds funny when i found out my kosan got same name.
This Kosan consists of 22 rooms with 22 members in it. Ada yang dari Jakarta, Bekasi, Bogor, Palembang bahkan Riau! Hmmm lumayan kalo abis lebaran banyak oleh-oleh mampir di kosan yang punya kolam ikan gurame ini hihihihi ;)
Actually, i consider the members as my family! Yes, family! Kita udah dekeeeet banget as if brothers and sisters! I bet there's no Kosan like mine!
Curhat sampe nangis, ketawa sampe bego, makan sampe kekenyangan bahkan nyebur kolam bareng kalo lagi ada yang ulangtahun (even yang cewe-cewe ga diceburin hehe). Wah, so many stories of this Bougenville. i would write the whole weeks or maybe months to tell the Bougenville-tales hihihi lebay :)
So, i gotta tell you that Lala, Rere, Nacil, Tiara, Una, Pancil, Eji, Ujo, Tyo, Jija, Bogel, Bao, MasSay, Andre, Edo, Desfan, Ahong, Kiki, Anton and Suhay make my days in Bougenville-Tales!

*PS: Will see the next post of Bougenville-Tales

Hugs and Kisses,

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